Monday, August 07, 2006

V for Vittles

We went to Texana Grill with the Myricks last night for Danny’s birthday and watched V for Vendetta back at the house afterwards. This is a fantastic movie, in fact, I’ll probably watch it again tonight. I really, really liked it. Spiritual references off the charts, as seems the norm for Wachowski Brothers screenplays. Anyways I started thinking about the major themes of right and wrong/good and evil in our world/culture/society.

Right and wrong: it’s an intra-opposing concept we’re reared with that has near-unshakeable hold in society. With it rides the seemingly obvious juxtaposition of good and evil. If I am right, then you are wrong; if I am good, then you are evil…and vice versa. However, in our relative world wrong and right, good and evil are subject to individual perception and authoritative standard, but dependent upon what I allow you to consider right or wrong, good or evil for yourself and largely, such a matter would have insignificant stake in my beliefs, giving me little reason Yes, it’s true his actions were wrong, but he doesn’t know any better; he’s been submerged in a society that believes such behavior is acceptable and profitable (right and good) and has only been deceived. Acting in ignorance of his deception, he committed wrong acts. Let’s take him in and train him in the (considered) right ways and change his foundation (convert) for right/wrong and good/evil will parallel when he sees old, mistaken beliefs which, though perhaps maintained right motive (loyalty to those beliefs), were not for the true greater good. Then he’ll be free of that deception and testify his conversion experience so more of his kind will see the light/truth/way…”

How interesting the parallel this has to society’s operations…and the similarities of kingdom awakening distracted by deceptions like religion…..

I haven’t articulated this very clearly…as in songwriting, I need to slow down and use more structure instead of this stream of consciousness, surely-you-follow-my-meandering-thoughts assumption. And like my songwriting, time often refines the idea and smoothes the complexities….

P.S. Consider the likes of star wars and lord of the rings...good and evil power struggle. is it really such a battle? or is good being deceived as much as "evil" in its concession to the actual existence of evil? If there is no opposition, just deception, then there is no war to wage and no more wasted effort to defeat what isn't real....ok i'm done for today.


At 11:40, Blogger Rick said...

Just as we see the false duality of 'good and evil' we also have the nasty habit of using the five senses to interact with God (who is spirit) and the kingdom of God (which is eternal - not fleshly or physical).

I'm for a change in perspectives, a change in reality...from the physical & good/evil reality to the spiritual kingdom of God reality.

Just what physical reality does the fruit of the spirit have anyhow? Does one 'see, hear, touch, taste, smell'....


OR...does one 'feel' within those things?

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