Saturday, July 22, 2006


For some reason, I can’t stop mulling how belief in Christ turned itself into a mere agreement with Christ’s claims and how the way humanity has dictated and perceived (and is dictating and perceiving) belief inevitably effects the nature of spirituality. It’s incredible really. It seems to be an obstacle in every conversation I have…and I’m terribly vexed by it.
We can make jokes about congregations, Southern Baptist preachers, and stereotypical functions, but there’s not much to laugh about when it comes to the heart of the supposed body of Christ today. In all honesty, it doesn’t seem like there’re many believers who actually believe that their work is to believe, construing body life and turning what was once a simple union of Spirits into a multi-faceted rock used to hurl at “them.” By whatever means (marketing spirituality as religion, capitalism, hierarchies (ecumenical Church), intellectualization, human authorization of what the Spirit was given to teach-all rooted at the Self), our faith is now a consumer product. With it comes acceptance into a group of people, membership to an organization, and moral checklists where requirements and regulations are all marked out-one can even choose which he prefers and still maintain acceptance and propriety under whatever denomination. But is this all truly faith? Is it really a relationship with God? Is all the frosting defeating the purpose of the body of Christ? Isn’t it to simply know God-not about Him, actually know Him?
On an individual level, there’s so far to journey…especially for those who are unlearning certain erroneous mentalities to realize and walk in the Truth: the Christ-the Love-within. The process of abiding in Love is incredibly involving. Interaction is necessary for any relationship to progress, but instead of that interaction being initiated by the behavior and efforts of God’s children, it is simply resting in this true identity, surrendering our Selves (control, cognition, etc) to the Spirit’s leading that sends us to realize (make ours) the abundant life we already have: regeneration, the old is gone, the new has come.

Communicating this in Love is a constant battle with my Self. I like being “right” and having ideas seem innovative and knowing I have that tendency, I hate (and fear-and what fear is there in Love?) that my words or actions will connote only that tendency (“Chelsie’s beef with error”). It’s ego. It’s pride. It’s self. But my Spirit is absolutely bursting with Truth and craving to share it. And the truth that solves this conundrum is realizing that what I crave to share is not mine. It’s His to bequeath through me. Resting in that, depending on Him to be big enough to accomplish His purpose in myself and others (guiding us in knowing Him), is a daily awareness. I don’t have to weigh situations and responses and emotions at the prompting of the Spirit to say or live Truth. The simplicity and irresistibility of His Love and an identity as His child is not a “right” notion or “innovative” thought, but Truth at the essence of all our hearts that has yet to be fully realized. My joy is communing in Love-in Him- the paces of my own journey and those of my brothers and sisters, even humanity in its deception.


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