Thursday, July 20, 2006

Unlearning the's a bit of a stretch, but go with it...

I keep my car door unlocked when it's parked at my house for obvious reasons, but often I forget that the way is open and I approach the driver's door with my key, attempting to unlock what is already done...then I get frustrated with myself because I fumbled with my keys and my armload of junk (that inevitably accompanies me everywhere) all the way to the car only to exert energy in vain-it would've been so fluid to move said junk from the house to car seat had I remembered the door was unlocked.
It seems we treat our relationship to God in a similar fashion. Life in Him, His Love and acceptance, & all truth is open to us; we already have it! But in forgetfulness or mere ignorance we use our keys of religion, behavior, and what not to unlock spiritual communion or association. How futile! All we must do is believe...


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