Thursday, July 27, 2006

Scattered thoughts somehow linked...really

Even religion teaches from the scripture that says when a person dies, their eyes will be open (scales will fall and what not) and they’ll see; they’ll awake to their identity and see their earth-sleep.
Will there really be judgment for their sleep? Are they not still his child? Is their spirit not still alive eternally? Is their identity not unmistakable with the absence of the “dead” flesh and soul? That such a brother or sister did not awaken to Truth during earth life is no cause for punishment or eternal damnation. In fact, such things do not exist apart from our own heads’ deception. This situation is only cause to know the One who wrapped our spirit in our unique soul. Only through such a relationship can we find the answer we’re all searching for-what is the purpose of our earth lives? Why, if the Spirit is born (with life and relationship with our Father-true identity) are we here encased in flesh, living out time?

Everything that is physical is temporal-that without a Spirit dies…the tree in front of my house doesn’t live forever even with proper sunlight, water, and nutrients. It wasn’t made to mature forever and it doesn’t have a capability to deceive itself into disease-it just wears out. When something stops growing it starts decaying (and often that decaying process is where the most wisdom abounds from experience, reflection, and maturity). As children of God, at some point our awakening will cease to be a fresh process and we will walk in full awareness of Truth. Our reality will not be dictated by the limitations of the physical body or the patterns our minds have learned.

The other day I wondered about existence in general; why was time created? Why must there be ANYTHING-no, not a vacuum- just NOTHING? But there is something and that is Life-even better, Love. So we progress from musing the existence of anything to realizing this fabulous entity called Love who gave rise to all we know now. He just is. “I am that I am.” So I accept that He is and I am His creation. That’s why it’s so sweet to have a relationship with Him, to live a purpose of knowing Him, journeying in and awakening to the life we have and building that foundation of Truth so our earth lives consciously become our Spirit lives.

This is how we can have joy in circumstances and stand above them on our foundation where we’re learning to create our realities…it’s interesting: we did not create our physical bodies or our spirits, but He crafted us. For us to sulk about never having a choice to live or have a Spirit/exist is pure ego and of our own deception! The clay doesn’t say to the artist, “mold me like this, or, no thanks I’d rather stay a lump…” As if!

That there is any alternative to living in Truth (choice) is our self-deception by the meanderings of creatively created creative minds, wills, and emotions and all the circumstances the initial deception (Eve?) built through the centuries: disease that corrodes the body, EVIL (which God doesn’t hate because A. God doesn’t hate and 2. it doesn’t exist), and right/wrong…it’s interesting that wrong was created by our Selves-that there need be any choice was of our own doing. Without our physical there is naught but Spirit/Life/Love, and thus, no need for differentiation (alternative action).

I almost said earlier that without our souls and physical bodies there’d be naught but Spirit…and this is true of the latter, but as I’m stirring this ‘round a bit, it occurs to me that if our souls are the wombs of the Spirit, they awakened/birthed the Spirit…now, knowing that we all have the same Christ living within us, how are we unique without our different souls? The beautiful actuality of unity in Christ is the same kingdom within our diverse personalities/souls. The soul is what makes one Spirit different from the next…perhaps the body dies, but the soul stays to make my Spirit “Chelsie the Christ” and my brother’s “Josh the Christ” and so on…eh??

Monday, July 24, 2006

I guess that's why they call it the journey...

From the beginning of creation, we were in God’s image. It was always within us. We just had to realize it, getting past our Adam natures (not with efforts, which is only more Adam nature, but in belief) that we inherited after the deception of man by his self.

What of this: the verse “beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing” doesn’t refer to the “Devil himself” dressing as one of Bo Peep’s little lambs-it is the emergence of the self in a believer…that’s why we’re to test what we read and hear-even in the scriptures-because it’s all to easy for the self to mix truth and error & act from pride, greed, and lust even when it is coming to awareness of life. Only in abiding in Life (the vine) can truth appear.

It seems that the main cause of deception’s ease is built-up error- like plaque on perfectly white teeth. When we awake to the Life we have, there’s so much to un-learn before we can fully walk in that Life; so much muck and mire, if you will, to escape once we know we were not made for trudging. When I hear people speak of the challenge of belief, they mostly mean a tedious, disciplined, persecuted existence. But that is not the resistance of the journey. Instead, it is the alternatives to living in truth that our self-deception built through the centuries-those religious mentalities and complicated circumstances-that our foundation must lay above.

Portions of these lyrics remind me of the awakening (whew!):

how can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where i've become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home wake me up inside
wake me up inside
call my name and save me from the dark
bid my blood to run
before i come undone
save me from the nothing i've become

now that i know what i'm without
you can't just leave me
breathe into me and make me real
bring me to life

wake me up inside
wake me up inside
call my name and save me from the dark
bid my blood to run
before i come undone
save me from the nothing i've become
bring me to life

frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead
all this time i can't believe i couldn't see
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
i've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought without a voice without a soul
don't let me die here
there must be something more
bring me to life


Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Heritage of Life Buried Within!

So…it just really hit me, even though it rings true in my Spirit regardless of this realization, that we are created in God’s image. From the beginning of humanity, man was created in God’s image-it has always been within us! This Life, Truth, Love-We’ve just had to get past our Adam natures (not with our effort, just by belief in Christ) that we inherited after the deception in the garden by the Self (Satan) to realize it! And the realization deepens….dun dun dun! 

And editing this post in later revelation-it's not by belief in Christ that we get past deception, either; signing up for claims or a belief system is just another falsehood that we stand/depend on to get us out of other is by grace we've been saved through dependence on Him...and that is a relationship, walking with Him...


For some reason, I can’t stop mulling how belief in Christ turned itself into a mere agreement with Christ’s claims and how the way humanity has dictated and perceived (and is dictating and perceiving) belief inevitably effects the nature of spirituality. It’s incredible really. It seems to be an obstacle in every conversation I have…and I’m terribly vexed by it.
We can make jokes about congregations, Southern Baptist preachers, and stereotypical functions, but there’s not much to laugh about when it comes to the heart of the supposed body of Christ today. In all honesty, it doesn’t seem like there’re many believers who actually believe that their work is to believe, construing body life and turning what was once a simple union of Spirits into a multi-faceted rock used to hurl at “them.” By whatever means (marketing spirituality as religion, capitalism, hierarchies (ecumenical Church), intellectualization, human authorization of what the Spirit was given to teach-all rooted at the Self), our faith is now a consumer product. With it comes acceptance into a group of people, membership to an organization, and moral checklists where requirements and regulations are all marked out-one can even choose which he prefers and still maintain acceptance and propriety under whatever denomination. But is this all truly faith? Is it really a relationship with God? Is all the frosting defeating the purpose of the body of Christ? Isn’t it to simply know God-not about Him, actually know Him?
On an individual level, there’s so far to journey…especially for those who are unlearning certain erroneous mentalities to realize and walk in the Truth: the Christ-the Love-within. The process of abiding in Love is incredibly involving. Interaction is necessary for any relationship to progress, but instead of that interaction being initiated by the behavior and efforts of God’s children, it is simply resting in this true identity, surrendering our Selves (control, cognition, etc) to the Spirit’s leading that sends us to realize (make ours) the abundant life we already have: regeneration, the old is gone, the new has come.

Communicating this in Love is a constant battle with my Self. I like being “right” and having ideas seem innovative and knowing I have that tendency, I hate (and fear-and what fear is there in Love?) that my words or actions will connote only that tendency (“Chelsie’s beef with error”). It’s ego. It’s pride. It’s self. But my Spirit is absolutely bursting with Truth and craving to share it. And the truth that solves this conundrum is realizing that what I crave to share is not mine. It’s His to bequeath through me. Resting in that, depending on Him to be big enough to accomplish His purpose in myself and others (guiding us in knowing Him), is a daily awareness. I don’t have to weigh situations and responses and emotions at the prompting of the Spirit to say or live Truth. The simplicity and irresistibility of His Love and an identity as His child is not a “right” notion or “innovative” thought, but Truth at the essence of all our hearts that has yet to be fully realized. My joy is communing in Love-in Him- the paces of my own journey and those of my brothers and sisters, even humanity in its deception.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Unlearning the's a bit of a stretch, but go with it...

I keep my car door unlocked when it's parked at my house for obvious reasons, but often I forget that the way is open and I approach the driver's door with my key, attempting to unlock what is already done...then I get frustrated with myself because I fumbled with my keys and my armload of junk (that inevitably accompanies me everywhere) all the way to the car only to exert energy in vain-it would've been so fluid to move said junk from the house to car seat had I remembered the door was unlocked.
It seems we treat our relationship to God in a similar fashion. Life in Him, His Love and acceptance, & all truth is open to us; we already have it! But in forgetfulness or mere ignorance we use our keys of religion, behavior, and what not to unlock spiritual communion or association. How futile! All we must do is believe...