oh random random. we as a body have completely screwed ourselves by instituting the 'sinner's prayer.' it really just hit me how insanely awful such a device is. i wonder who first thought of it. so in the NT we've got people all over following Christ-after the reserrection. Many of them never came in contact with Paul or another immediate disciple. They got it from their sister's boyfriend's half cousin's great aunt once removed. this word of mouth- just an open spring of a life led by Christ. believers were believers, original disciple or not, who lived in pursuit of Christ. who told them they had to say a prayer to initiate new life? Christ and the disciples often told people their sins were forgiven or that they'd been baptised with the Holy Spirit, and prayer was surely involved with their acceptance of His Life, but it was prayer that sprung from their pursuit. and it was their changed life that evidenced their salvation. what we've done in our presentation of salvation is remove the need for a changed life as evidence. we've packaged a neat prayer, though it may be breathed from the thicket of the soul, so the process can be quick and painless if desired, prayer/baptism= I'm saved! I'm a Christian! No hellfire or brimstone for me! But this can leave so much doubt in one's heart-if His life is not accepted with His forgiveness (which often folks don't know exists), one is left to wonder why his/her life isn't changing or why he/she feels/acts/desires like he did before he "got saved." such is the catastrophe of commercial christianity. he thinks he's saved from the fires of hell but have no idea how God relates to him. he'll suppose he'll just go on living like he did, try to be a good person, knowing that his "fire insurance" is intact. But often, at conferences or retreats, or the invitation at a church service, he'll wonder if he shouldn't be experiencing life differently and... OH NO! maybe he's not really 'saved.' maybe his heart was not sincere enough the first time. oh what to do....UREKA! REDEDICATION! recommit his life to the Lord. Ask Him again to be his Saviour.
When christ died for the sins of all, all were forgiven, He is everyone's Saviour regardless of their acceptance or refusal. regardless of their intelligence or ignorance to Him.
And such is the ongoing alter call of Christless life. yep. whoever's marketing idea that was really put a damper on spiritual discovery. 'preciate it luci.